

这篇文章补充了我们的季度研究通讯, 介绍中欧教育学院研究项目的最新进展. 报名 在你的收件箱中获取这些信息. 


太平洋格罗夫,加利福尼亚州CEE staff will be attending and presenting at the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy's (ACEEE) 2024 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, taking place August 4–9 at the Asilomar Conference Grounds in 太平洋格罗夫,加利福尼亚州. The conference will bring together professionals from the clean energy industry to collaborate, 辩论, 推动技术的发展, 实践, and research necessary to equitably decarbonize the building sector. 2024年奥运会的主题是 公平与气候行动:是时候付诸行动了. The theme addresses the urgency of the climate crisis and the opportunity to correct course through an unprecedented investment to transform our built environment and electricity sector: the Inflation Reduction Act.

CEE staff will present on a wide range of technologies and approaches that will be critical to answering this important moment in energy efficiency, 包括热泵, 市场转型, 员工发展, 高性能的窗户, 和寒冷气候下的建筑脱碳. The session schedule is now live on the ACEEE暑期学习 website.




背景: 热泵Although 热泵 can perform efficiently and effectively for most space heating needs, 现有产品在最冷的条件下会失去性能. 确保弹性, current practice in Minnesota is to pair residential 热泵 with a backup heating system, 但是这些都很贵, 技术上的挑战, 并可能导致过度的电力需求. This project will evaluate at least two commercially available thermal storage technologies that enable resilient and efficient heat pump space heating, 可能不需要补充热源.

更新: The project team is currently in the recruitment phase of the project and is seeking single-family homes for test sites. 在选定地点, the team will install a new heat pump and thermal storage system, which will perform at higher efficiency than traditional systems. Participants will receive a rebate to reduce installation costs and technical support from our expert staff.



This project is supported by a grant from the Minnesota Department of Commerce, 能源司 through the Conservation Applied Research and Development (CARD) program, 是由明尼苏达州纳税人资助的吗.


正在进行隔热工程的住宅背景: Recent CARD-funded modeling work suggests that cost barriers to continuous exterior insulation (CEI) are overstated and there is a significant cost-effective potential within Minnesota's building stock for this work. The project team will deploy CEI measures on up to ten homes to evaluate natural gas savings, 碳减排, 和成本效益. The team will analyze the efficacy of CEI to lower heating and cooling loads, 记录项目,以确定后勤和其他障碍, and model the impact of CEI on decarbonization and electrification efforts.

更新: CEE's project team is currently recruiting single-family homes in the Twin Cities metro area to serve as demonstration sites. Selected participants will work with CEE's contractor partner to install CEI as part of their existing residing project with up to $15,CEI费用由CEE抵销. The study includes a monitoring period during which the project team will remotely measure the energy use and performance of the HVAC system after CEI is installed.



This project is supported by a grant from the Minnesota Department of Commerce, 能源司 through the Conservation Applied Research and Development (CARD) program, 是由明尼苏达州纳税人资助的吗.


有人在为RTU服务背景: Next gen rooftop units (RTUs) are packaged heating and cooling units that use energy efficient technology to effectively heat and cool a commercial space, 减少能源消耗和排放. This initiative from Minnesota's Efficient Technology Accelerator is working to advance the performance of RTUs with this next gen technology to meet the growing demand for sustainable building solutions. 在明尼苏达州, 80% of commercial buildings rely on RTUs for heating and cooling, 97%的系统使用燃气供暖, making the transition to more efficient systems a key opportunity to significantly reduce emissions in the state.

更新: The initiative team is currently seeking two commercial building sites that have RTUs equipped with energy recovery ventilators (ERVs) and one with variable speed dual fuel heat pump RTUs but are open to monitoring single-stage or multi-stage dual fuel heat pump RTUs in order to establish a better understanding of these new technologies. Participants will need to provide roof access to CEE to install and remove monitoring equipment and access to the interior space to survey occupancy, 控制, 以及管道结构. 

Email Leah Guenter for more information on project participation


Minnesota's Efficient Technology Accelerator is funded by investor-owned utilities and administered by the Minnesota Department of Commerce, 能源司.


一对夫妇在高性能窗口前背景: Minnesota's Efficient Technology Accelerator (ETA) is moving energy efficiency to market faster. ETA's Wise Window Hub focuses on ENERGY STAR prescriptive windows. 这些窗口的u因子是0.从而提高家庭的欧洲杯押注平台. High-performance windows (HPWs) also provide notable non-energy benefits including half as much outdoor sound, 减少室内冷凝的风险, 隔热性能几乎是标准窗户的两倍.

更新: 中东欧有几个可用的资助机会来试点卫生保健服务, and the initiative partners are actively looking for pilot partners. These funds cover the cost to upgrade from standard windows to HPWs (typical added cost of $50–$100 per window). If you are aware of any window installation opportunities or have been considering purchasing windows, 请联系Ellen Hofstede, 用于高性能Windows的程序协调器.

Email Ellen Hofstede to learn more about project participation


Minnesota's Efficient Technology Accelerator is funded by investor-owned utilities and administered by the Minnesota Department of Commerce, 能源司.


蒂姆•汉拉罕 thanrahan@bjqzgy.com